Thursday, April 21, 2011

Work Begins!

Trailer in place - check!
Loaner tool shed secured - check!
Porta Potty gracing the parking lot with its true blue presence - check!

Alrighty then, let's move on to asbestos removal!

Asbestos removal began this week. Kenny and Clayton from Harman guided Robert and Jay from Asbestco, Inc. to the connector wing, saying, "Here ya are boys! Have at it!" And they've been at it from early morning to late afternoon. I snuck a couple of pics before I got shooed away.....
Robert and Jay from Asbestco, Inc.

Kenny, from Harman

Clayton (hard hat) and Ray (no hard hat...)
Ray should know better!

Old Nursery with platic over windows...

Asbestos removal in classroom...

More asbestos removal...

After a while, as I said, I got shoo'd away. Plastic was put over the door frames at both ends of the connector wing, over all windows and at all outside doors. No one can enter while the machines are doing their work! If you try to open a door to the connector wing you'll be greeted with this notice:
I didn't go to seminary for nothing!

It's an interesting thing, how "for granted" I've taken getting from my office to the Sanctuary. Out the door, take a left, meander through the connector wing (what I lovingly call "the catacombs") then through the Sanctuary door. But no more! Now, to get to the Sanctuary I take a right instead of a left, go up the steps to the education building exit and walk down the sidewalk (going east) until I make a right at Church and Court. Then head down the steps to the Preschool entrance and walk all the way through the Fellowship Hall, up the steps to the Narthex, then left to the Sanctuary. Anybody needing an aerobic workout, come on over to WPC! Custodian Cindy made this trek a dozen times today, at least. And she was smiling the whole time!

You know, we're all going to be inconvenienced in one way or another while we "grow and build"....our challenge is to remain upbeat and patient. Those of us who work at WPC on a daily basis need your prayers! For my birthday, Secretary Linda gave me a plaque that reads "Always Welcome ~ Sunshine, Laughter & Smiles". My prayer for us all is just that!

What would a construction blog be without a pic or two of the gorgeous cherry blossoms in front of the church? Enjoy - see you Sunday for Easter worship!

Monday, April 18, 2011

The Construction Trailer Arrives!

What a great Monday! The birds are singing, flood waters are receding, a fresh crop of dandelions make yards look like yellow gold mines, and....the long-awaited Harman Construction trailer arrives at WPC! It's still on the 18-wheeler here: 

Where to park....?

Within a few minutes the trailer was neatly positioned at the lower end of the parking lot.
I know what you're thinking: it's not the nicest looking trailer, but it is where a lot of the work will get done! Maybe the following pic will make it seem, um, prettier...nothing like a splash of red bud to frame a semi...!
While I'm at it, a big thanks goes to Herbie Garman for helping clean out the decrepit lawn shed by the Preschool entrance! Had the winds blown any more this weekend, that shed would be in the next county! Tornados, twisters, and strong winds in general look for structures like our dear little shed to blow to Kingdom Come. (Speaking of, there really is a Kingdom Come. I got lost once in Kentucky and wound up there, in the town of Kingdom Come. Truly. I kid you not.)

Not only did Herbie help clean out the decrepit lawn shed, he loaned us one of his sturdy vinyl sheds to use until our Presbyterian Men build a new one with recycled lumber from the old barn! Yay Herbie! Yay Presbyterian Men! Here's Herbie's loaner waiting to be put into place:
And here it is, in its new location, close to the construction trailer:
 This sturdy shed will house our lawn mower and other essential yard equipment during construction. Sadly, we will bid a fond farewell to the shed by the Preschool, since that's right where work will take place!

This week's plan is for the asbestos abatement to begin on Wednesday. Not sure if I'll be allowed to sneak pics of that work being done, but if I can you know I will!

Here are a couple more pics I took today of the church. We really do have a beautiful Sanctuary! 

I like the steeple through the red bud blooms!
I hope everyone has marked May 1 on your calendar! Our official Groundbreaking Ceremony will be a wonderful occasion! Let's fill the house with praise to God for the glory of the Easter season and the "new life" we're brining to WPC through our building project!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday Children

Holy Week with Palm Sunday
Today is Palm Sunday, the day Christians remember Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem. Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week, when we focus on the last week of our Lord's life, including
  • his final teachings
  • his time with his disciples in the upper room when he instituted the Lord's Supper
  • his arrest and trial
  • his crucifixion
Part of our annual Palm Sunday celebration at WPC is the procession of the church's children with palms during the first hymn All Glory, Laud and Honor. What a great sight that was today! Watching the children process around the sanctuary was so inspiring! It made me realize that our building project is really for them, for their generation of faithful Christians at WPC. The facility that we enjoy today was given to us by past generations; now we are building a facility for future generations to enjoy. That, in itself, makes it so worthwhile, doesn't it?

During Fellowship Hour people commented on the great number of children carrying palms, and how wonderful it is to see so many youngsters at WPC. I sure wish I had remembered to take pics! Here are a few from Palm Sunday 2009. If nothing else, you can see how our kids have grown! :)