Thursday, April 21, 2011

Work Begins!

Trailer in place - check!
Loaner tool shed secured - check!
Porta Potty gracing the parking lot with its true blue presence - check!

Alrighty then, let's move on to asbestos removal!

Asbestos removal began this week. Kenny and Clayton from Harman guided Robert and Jay from Asbestco, Inc. to the connector wing, saying, "Here ya are boys! Have at it!" And they've been at it from early morning to late afternoon. I snuck a couple of pics before I got shooed away.....
Robert and Jay from Asbestco, Inc.

Kenny, from Harman

Clayton (hard hat) and Ray (no hard hat...)
Ray should know better!

Old Nursery with platic over windows...

Asbestos removal in classroom...

More asbestos removal...

After a while, as I said, I got shoo'd away. Plastic was put over the door frames at both ends of the connector wing, over all windows and at all outside doors. No one can enter while the machines are doing their work! If you try to open a door to the connector wing you'll be greeted with this notice:
I didn't go to seminary for nothing!

It's an interesting thing, how "for granted" I've taken getting from my office to the Sanctuary. Out the door, take a left, meander through the connector wing (what I lovingly call "the catacombs") then through the Sanctuary door. But no more! Now, to get to the Sanctuary I take a right instead of a left, go up the steps to the education building exit and walk down the sidewalk (going east) until I make a right at Church and Court. Then head down the steps to the Preschool entrance and walk all the way through the Fellowship Hall, up the steps to the Narthex, then left to the Sanctuary. Anybody needing an aerobic workout, come on over to WPC! Custodian Cindy made this trek a dozen times today, at least. And she was smiling the whole time!

You know, we're all going to be inconvenienced in one way or another while we "grow and build"....our challenge is to remain upbeat and patient. Those of us who work at WPC on a daily basis need your prayers! For my birthday, Secretary Linda gave me a plaque that reads "Always Welcome ~ Sunshine, Laughter & Smiles". My prayer for us all is just that!

What would a construction blog be without a pic or two of the gorgeous cherry blossoms in front of the church? Enjoy - see you Sunday for Easter worship!

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