Monday, April 2, 2012

Building Dedication

What a wonderful celebration we enjoyed on Building Dedication Sunday, March 25! Thanks to everyone who participated so enthusiastically! It is a true blessing to serve with you in ministry and mission.

A year ago I began this blog. The cherry blossoms were in full bloom in the front yard and birds were singing their sweet tunes. Now, a year later, the cherry blossoms are beautiful again and the birds have found their springtime voices. It's time to close out this blog. It's been a joy - and sometimes a challenge - to write. So much has happened in the past year...I could hardly put it all into words fast enough! I know I've missed a lot, especially recently, when rooms were being refashioned into new space with new purpose, but what I have captured has reminded me time and again of how blessed we are.

This building project has been a memory in the making. Yesterday, on Palm Sunday, a longtime member who hadn't seen the building in a while, noted how pleased they were that the history of the place remains while we clearly built for the future. As our children waved their palm branches during the singing of "All Glory, Laud and Honor" I saw both the present and the future in one place. The smiles of the older adults reassured me that Woodstock Presbyterian Church is in good hands.

But the history is here in this place as well. For every time we worship, we are surrounded by that great "cloud of witnesses". Every time we celebrate the Sacrament of Holy Communion we celebrate with God's people in every time and place. Our history is alive and well, and so is our future. Truly, we are blessed.

Lots of memories have been made during this building project. I can't decide whether to play "Precious Memories" or "Thanks for the Memories" -- both are fitting! So, here's "Precious Memories" by the Valley's own Statler Brothers...

Now to the pics of last week's Building Dedication! Grab a cup of coffee, sit back, and enjoy! (Many thanks, by the way, to my twin sister Laura for taking these great pics!)

John Taylor, our wonderful piper

What does the Psalmist say? "I'd rather be a doorkeeper in the house of the Lord
than dwell in the tents of wickedness." Well, there ya go!


Carrying in the Dedication cake!

Tone Chimes were awesome with "Our God, Our Help in Ages Past"

The Chancel Choir offering their praise with "Great Day!"

Tone Chime music.

Randy Webb, Acting General Presbyter of Shenandoah Presbytery,
offering greetings and congratulations on behlaf of the presbytery.

Holly Heine, cellist and Adam Hockman, pianist - what a great combination of praise!

Gradye Parsons, Stated Clerk of the PC(USA), preaching

The elders, standing to read the Scripture from Ephesians 4.

Our youngest worshiper - Miss Julia Hammersley with parents Laura and Jon.

Adam Hockman on piano

Left:  Beth Marshall Gordon and Susan Grabill

Annie Shultes and grandma Alison Nelson

Lucy Clark and daughter Ann, visiting from Indiana

Thanks to Christie Riffee for the beautiful and delicious cake!

Emma Saeler with the first piece of  cake!

Christie Riffee, cake baker extraordinaire!

Ann Grisdale, Clerk of Session

Dale Cupp, architect

Susan Coffman and Ellie

Tom Marshall (L) and Ted Miller (R) being thanked for their work on the pastor's office.

Margy Boyer, just shy of her 90th birthday!

L to R: Sara and Rev. Orlando Newball, Latino pastor; Randy Webb,
Jim Carter and Hall Ladehoff

Loretta Lantz, Dot Wright, Nancy Gibson, Judy Powell, Barbara Simons

David McKee, Stated Clerk of the Synod of the Mid-Atlantic
with Liz Sollenberger and Carol Coleman

Marian French with daughter Amy and grandaughters

Ted Miller and John Coleman

Malinda Johnston and Janet Einstein

Carl Nelson and Don Sawyer
(with Heather and Mike Ashley in the background)

John Coleman and Barry Thomas

Beautiful window scripted in memory of Russ and Pearl, major benefactors to the project

Thanks to Susan Coffman for our Sanctuary corner arrangements!

March 25 also happened to be John and Carol Coleman's 51st wedding anniversary!
These beautiful flowers were given by them with thanks to God for the building project.

Dale Cupp and wife with Ray Powell

Pastor Lisa, Hal Ladehoff, Pat & Barry Thomas

Pastor Lisa with twin Laura and Rodney Miller
(Pastor Lisa is the one WITH the glasses)

"Take 'em off! Take 'em off!" people shouted, so...
off comes the glasses!

Randy and Lisa, Sarah and Orlando

Jerry Germroth and Judy Powell

Sharon Baroncelli, Liz Sollenberger and Pastor Lisa

Ray Powell and Kaye Shelton

Jerry Germroth, Marian French, Susan Grabill and Beth Gordon

Anna Everhart

Ray Powell

Coasters and Trivets made from scrap wormy chestnut...
is there really such a thing as scrap wormy chestnut?
Great memories, aren't they? Thanks to everyone who shared thoughts and comments about this "Growing and Building" blog. (These pics and more will be contained in the photo memory book in the foyer of the new Fellowship Hall. Stop by and take a look!)

Now, how about Jane Morgan singing "Thanks for the Memories".... oh, and I'll see you in church this Easter Sunday!

Let's continue Growing and Building in the Love of Christ,
Pastor Lisa

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