I have the best job in the world! I have the privilege of serving a Presbyterian congregation that is GROWING in membership and mission and BUILDING an addition to our facility. This blog is my attempt to put pictures and words to use to tell the story of our building project. It's a spiritual discipline, of sorts, begun in the season of Lent 2011. I hope everyone who visits is blessed by what they encounter. Pastor Lisa Webb
It's been an interesting couple of weeks since I last posted on the blog. Since the earthquake of August 23 (California is still laughing at us making such a "do" of the 5.8 magnitude quake!) we've had a couple of down pours that resulted in a flooded Preschool and unsettling of roofing on the Sanctuary. Thank goodness both are taken care of, with appreciation to John Coleman and members of the choir who helped mop up water till after 11 pm the night of the flood; and thanks to Clayton and his crew who nailed the roofing back in place.
In addition, we've had two significant deaths in the congregation (is there ever a death that isn't significant?)...and we've had a great celebration as we helped ordain Joan Wilson to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament.
Then there's the usual activity that goes on at WPC: kick off of Sunday School, ESL, GED, Latino seminary and worship, community groups wanting to use the facility, Preschool starting back up.....
It's been an interesting and active couple of weeks in our congregation! Clayton told me last week, "Lisa, you better get out here and get some pictures before we get this thing finished completely!"
There is great satisfaction in sitting in my office, even with windows boarded up, hearing the sounds of construction on the new building. One of the things we cherish most about our facility is that we know that it was given to us by previous generations to use for God's glory. And we are using it! Every day there is worship and learning taking place here. Almost weekly we receive a request by a community group to use the facility. And groups are already asking about using the new facility in the coming year!
The sounds of hammers, saws, pipes and the beep-beep-beep of machinery outside is testimony to our call to share our space with future generations, just as previous generations have shared with us. We're part of a continuing story of grace and minitry in Woodstock. That's really neat. Listening to the hammers outside reminds me of Pete Seeger's great song, I've Got a Hammer. Listen to it by the group that made it hummable all over the world: Peter, Paul and Mary.
So, sitting here, listening to a power nailer put up roof beams on what-will-be our front entrance, I give thanks to God for our congregation that is so active and so welcoming of strangers who are our neighbors. We really are in this together, aren't we?
Oh, lest I forget to mention - I also give GREAT and JOYOUS thanks that water has been restored to the bathroom in the education building! Woo Hoo! I'm sure the Preschool staff will miss us parading through their classroom on the way to the bathrooms, but I must say, how nice it will be to be to simply run upstairs! And to show how truly we are "in this together", the ONLY bathroom that is operational in the ed building is the UNISEX bathroom. So gents and ladies, let's share nicely...(and cleanly)!
Here are a few pics of the progress from the past couple of weeks. Enjoy!
Getting ready to add framing for the roof over the front.
Side kitchen entrance. Nice brick work!
Back view of the choir room.
Up close of the choir room/fellowship hall, from the alley.
Another view of the choir room/fellowship hall.
Ramp to kitchen.
More work up front.
My office (on left) and Linda's office (on right).
Clayton letting me know that the water's on!
Great sign put up by Jerry Germroth, with roof framing in the background.