Thursday, January 5, 2012

The 12th Day of Christmas

On this 12th day of Christmas, there are no partridges in the pear trees on Court Street. In fact, there are no pear trees at all! Cherry, yes, but no pears. Alas... While there may be no partridges in pear trees, there are roofers on the roof! (Work with me's been a long day.)

Wells Roofing began putting on the new galvanized roof over the Education Wing today ~ it looks so good! When the new addition roof went on two months ago, it became apparent that the ed wing roof would have to be worked on as well. The ed wing roof was at least 50 years old - with a 30 year warranty! God has been very good to WPC, to keep that old roof working so well for so many years!

Additionally, the old roof simply looked "tired." It had served its purpose, and its time. With the new galvanized roof by Wells Roofing, we have matching roofs on the entire facility! The look says "finished." Quite nice!

We are getting close to the completion of this magnificent project! There are lots of things still being done - and still yet to do - but we're getting there! Every bit of this project journey has been of God's making. I marvel at the greatness of God in entrusting this project to us, and I'm humbled by the level of financial, prayerful, and otherwise -full commitment of the congregation to obey God's call in our lives to make this happen.

Last spring, when the congregation voted to approve taking out a loan with Presbyterian Investment Loan Program (a PC(USA) organization) for up to $270,000 the Session had hoped to delay for as long as possible the actual loan filing. At most we thought we could get by until October before needing the loan funds. Here it is January, and we're just now at the point of needing the loan funds soon.

God has blessed us by instilling in the hearts of many the desire to help alleviate as much of our indebtedness as possible! Instead of needing the full $270,000, at present we need less than $250,000! Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could get that loan amount down to $200,000 before filing to receive the money? That would greatly lower the monthly pay-back amount, which would help with our overall church finances. So - check your sofa cushions and sock drawers for loose change! (For significantly greater amounts of change you'd like to give - stocks, bonds, big bills - you might contact Ray Powell, church treasurer. Go ahead - make his day!)

Enjoy today's "picture potpourri" - and stop by soon to see the beautiful work yourself!

The plexiglass is removed and workers paint the white wood.
The windows really *pop*!

Tile gets laid on the Fellowship Hall Floor.

Clayton is holding one of the wrought iron hand-rail banisters
that will surround the steps gonig to the old Fellowship Hall.

Hand-rails - just waiting to be painted black!

More tilework on the Fellowship Hall floor.

Handicap Chair Lift that goes to/from the old Fellowship Hall
to the new, thus allowing ease of transport for handicap-accessible students
and adults who come for Preschool programs!

Door from Nursery Suite to playground. The plywood will be replaced with glass.

Bathroom in Nursery Suite.

Beautiful day to work on the roof!

No patridge, but those aren't pear trees either!