It's been almost a month since I've posted...where does the time go? (Granted, I was on vacation for two weeks...) It's not that things aren't happening with the building project. LOTS of things are happening!
- Lots of cinder blocks are in place! (Young kids were at the site on Saturday trying to count the number of blocks ~ they made a neat game of it. I remember counting ceiling tiles in my elementary school cafeteria when I was their age. Or counting jelly beans in the big jar at the county fair...anybody remember that?)
- Lots of pipes are sticking up out of the ground! Most of those belong to the new bathrooms.
- Lots of gravel is being moved to prepare for foundations being poured! The boiler room foundation is supposed to be poured tomorrow.
So a lot of things are happening on site. Progress in so many ways!
On Sunday we celebrated the progress during morning worship. We heard from the Capital Campaign Team and Building Team ~ it was a lively, upbeat, enthusiastic update! It was truly "Good News of Great Joy!"
We heard from Jerry and John, our Capital Campaign co-chairs that our giving has been steady and excellent for the project. People are asked to continue giving as you are able, though, because we have a $270,000 debt to pay off! Wouldn't it be wonderful - and a true blessing - if we paid that off quickly!?! Here are the financial stats thus far:
•Capital Campaign Goal: $600,000
• TOTAL Received: $960,122
–Pledges from Congregation: $452,540
–Congregation Contributions received : $434,527
–Pearl Pancake Bequest: $458,352
–Other contributions (memorials): $30,853
–Interest received: $18,195 ~ how neat is that?!
We also heard from Ray Powell and Dick Albers, Building Project co-chairs, that while construction has been delayed somewhat because of underpinning and weather, Harman is working hard to make up time. Within the next two weeks we should begin to see framing being put up! Then, we're told, things will happen quickly!
All in all, God continues to bless us as we Grow and Build in the Love of Christ! An idea: Stop by the site and let Clayton, Kenny and the crew know you're praying for their safety during this hot weather. Or bring them a plate of cookies to renew their energy! They are wonderful people; we are blessed God has sent them to us!
Clayton scooping gravel to pour in the boiler area. |
Gravel being poured in the boiler area. |
Lots of cinder block, and if you look closely, a bit of Kenny's hard hat! (My version of "Where's Waldo?") |
Clayton hosing down the dust.... can see the puff of dust at the left of the pic. |