Friday, December 2, 2011

It's Beginning to Look a Lot Like.....

Enjoy some holiday music while you read....

At 55 degrees outside, it's not exactly beginning to look an awful lot like Christmas.....BUT our building project is surely beginning to look a lot like an elegant Fellowship Hall and facility!

We're still hoping that by year's end the majority of work will be completed and soon into the new year we can begin enjoying this gorgeous space! God has been so good to us!

I have come to a new appreciation of the workers God has used throughout this project. Especially Clayton Hinegardner, our project manager. Clayton is a gifted builder. He takes great pride in his work and likes to embellish the "ordinary" into something very special. Take the windows in the Conference Room (beside the Foyer). The arched windows were lovely enough, but Clayton wanted them to really *pop* so, as a gift to us, he made rounded window moulding and added special caps. Isn't that wonderful? Here's a pic of the one of the windows, sans paint, mind you.
Like Clayton, every worker goes above and beyond to add a personal touch to their work. This project has become intensely personal to the men working. They have built relationships with each other (some had not worked together before this project), and we have been blessed by their good naturedness (is that a word?)

I have a deep appreciation for things that people make...from children's Christmas crafts that get pulled out each holiday season to decorate the house to the wood that's going into my office (that's another story for another blog...) Each building project worker is a true craftsman. This project has become personal for them. They know that they are building something that will be used for God's kingdom, something that will last for generations to come.

At WPC, we've done a good job of decking our halls this Advent season. Won't it be terrific next Advent/Christmas to decorate our new facility!?

Here are a few more pics from work being done today:

Tiles installed into the kitchen ceiling!

White trim work being applied to the front.

The back is almost ready for the white siding!

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