Friday, June 10, 2011

Sunshine and Slurry

 It's been a couple of weeks since I last posted. Every time I think I'm going to see something new at the work site, my camera catches Henry, digging more dirt than I thought imaginable in such a small space! Don't get me wrong: Henry is a wonderful guy, and watching dirt being dug is oh-so-entertaining. Still, how many pics of a backhoe and dirt do we need?....

So, imagine my sheer delight to look out my office window and see....ok, so I saw dirt being moved around, like always. BUT I also saw SLURRY being poured! Woo Hoo!

We are nearing the time when footers for the addition will be poured! Before that happens the ground needs some reinforcements. (Seems we Presbyterians have a lot of top soil - not only on top, where it normally is found, but running deep in our earth.) Harman calls it "unsuitable soil" for purposes of supporting a structure like we're building, so in comes Rockingham Redi-Mix to the rescue!

Slurry (new word in my vocabulary!) is a mixture of water and cement. Looks like concrete to me, and it is often associated with concrete, but somehow it's a little different. Anyway, it's just what the Harman doctor ordered.

It's exciting to see something new and, dare I say, different, taking place outside my office window. It reminds me that God is always doing new things in our lives! It's helpful to carry a camera.
Here are a few more pics, for the fun of it...
Getting the area ready for the slurry.

Ray, Dale and Michael conferring about the project following
the Progress Meeting, held yesterday (6/9).

Henry, our heroic backhoe operator (Mr. Dirt Digger)
wiping sweat on a day when temps were well over 100.

The area is now ready for slurry. Isn't that a great word?

Ancient-of-days kickers that were used to support the
Woodstock Academy when it was built in the early 1800s. The Academy
became our current Education Wing. There's history all over (and under) the place!

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